All the Rainbows in My Neighbourhood

Homemade Rainbow Flag!

After two years of Peace Flag House and surrounding neighbourhood being the target of hate crimes directed at the LGBTQ-identity represented by the rainbow flags, we are reaching out to you for support.  Rainbow peace flags are popping up in our neighbourhood and across the country!  Stand in solidarity by flying your rainbow flag and sending us a pic to post here.

Peace Flag House
Rainbow Peace Flag Solidarity - submitted by David Heap, London, ON

Rainbow Peace Flag Solidarity - submitted by DBR, Victoria, BC

Rainbow Peace Flag Solidarity - submitted by Women In Black, Demonstrating Every Wednesday on the Ambassador Bridge, Canada Side.
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This rainbow cake was dropped off at Peace Flag House by a father and daughter that are neighbours.  When I opened the door the little girl holds up the cake and says "I love rainbows!".   

September 14th, 2013 - 
Neighbours United for Inclusion Community BBQ: 
Rainbows Sprouting Up All Around the Neighbourhood!

Rainbow Peace Flag at Runnymede Collegiate Institute.

 Rainbow at Highland Grounds Cafe, Flesherton, Ontario


  1. It's so nice seeing the neighbourhood get behind this. I was going to go around and take pics of all the flags, but wasn't sure if people would be okay with that. Glad you did. You got my place in there also.

    1. Glad we got your flag in the mix! It is incredibly heart warming and inspiring to see all these flags up. I felt that documenting the neighbourhood's community spirit was essential (but I decided not to include streets in order to preserve privacy). I'm glad you feel the same way!
      Peace, Sarah
